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1199 Utoy Springs Rd, SW Atlanta, Georgia. ?

Kennedy, age 86, of Bandera, passed on September 1, 2021. Our staff of dedicated professionals is available to assist you in making funeral service arrangements. Janice Poppe (Jan) passed on from this life on January 27, 2024, leaving behind her husband of 37 years, Walter Poppe, her brother, Stanford H. His son, Rick Whittenberger will be officiating. kenmore vacuum replacement parts When it comes to saying goodbye to a loved one, finding the right funeral home is crucial. When a loved one passes away, one of the first decisions that needs to be made is how and where their body will be laid to rest. Call us today for pre-planning or custom planning options. He was born in Big Spring, Texas. kevin corke hair Losing a loved one is an emotional and challenging experience, and the financial burden of arranging a funeral can add further stress. Obituary published on Legacy. Funeral homes play a crucial role in helping families navigate through the difficult pr. William Anthony Tony Grimes will be held 1100 a, Wednesday, October 16, 2024, at Milling Funeral Home Chapel of Union Rusty Walton will be officiating. Call us today for pre-planning or custom planning options. Mass of Christian Burial will be 10:00 am Wednesday, July 3, 2024, with calling one hour prior, at St. jcp please authenticate , 79, of Mountain Home, who passed away Sunday, August 7, 2022 in Joann GrimesSeptember 15, 2024Joann Grimes, a beautiful red-carpet-ready and intriguingly dynamic woman, a creative and gifted vocalist and pianist, and a generous citizen of Greensboro, NC, died peac Obituary Joshua Parker of Houston, TX departed this life May 20, 2022 in Houston, TX. The services for Mr. ….

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